
MARLAN: Plymouth Marine Laboratory’s Marine Artificial Light at Night Research Facility

Published: 2022 | DOI: 10.17031/rhgk-8155

Ana M Queirós, Liz Talbot, Chris Pascoe, Anthony Staff and Steve Widdicombe

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This document describes the design of, and infrastructure implemented, within the Light Pollution Research Facility at Plymouth Marine Laboratory. This is a bespoke light insulated seawater aquarium facility dedicated to the study of light pollution effects, located within the mesocosm laboratory at Plymouth Marine Laboratory. The facility is composed of three main components: the Holding System; the Lighting System; and the Tidal Lightscape Simulator. The document details each section and the technical information about the design of each component.


Acknowledgements: The MARLAN development benefited from funding from the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council grant NE/S003568/1, attributed to AMQ and SW, and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 FutureMARES project grant #869300, attributed to AMQ.

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Ana M Queirós, Liz Talbot, Chris Pascoe, Anthony Staff and Steve Widdicombe. MARLAN: Plymouth Marine Laboratory’s Marine Artificial Light at Night Research Facility. Plymouth Marine Laboratory. 9pp. doi: 10.17031/rhgk-8155.

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