Funding novel research towards atmospheric CO2 removal

Tuesday 28 February 2023

Location: Online
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Our Dr Jerry Blackford (Head of Science: Marine Systems Modelling) will be speaking at the upcoming webinar from the Carbon Technology Research Foundation (CTRF) ‘Funding novel research towards atmospheric CO2 removal’.

The webinar is free to attend. Register your place here >>


Event description

Big problems need visionary solutions. To prevent catastrophic warming from climate change, we need to reduce emissions but also find more and better ways to remove existing carbon dioxide from the air.

The Carbon Technology Research Foundation (CTRF) funds research into new methods of carbon sequestration, which have their roots in nature, but which could be scaled significantly using biotechnology.

Offering funding and support to academic-led research projects targeting enhanced biological sequestration, this webinar will include an introduction to CTRF from its founder, Dr Stig Arff.

An interactive expert-led panel session, including CTRF’s Chair of the Advisory Council Dr Surabi Menon and chaired by the CEO Mr David Hillyard will see the opportunities and challenges associated with the application of biotechnology to the enhancement of natural sequestration processes be debated.

CTRF’s inaugural call for research proposals will then be launched by the Director of Research, Dr Sarah Wagstaffe-Jones. In 2023, we will be offering up to £4M in anticipation of funding 4-7 projects. During the session, CTRF’s initial priority areas for funding will be communicated and guidance on the application and peer review processes which will be adopted by CTRF will be provided.

This webinar will be of particular interest to researchers working within the CDR space, or those wishing to pivot their innovative programmes and methodologies towards the sector. We would also encourage policymakers, funders and investors to join in the discussion.

Register your place here >>

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