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Professor Steve Widdicombe attends 'Ocean acidification: a crisis in the making'

1 February 2023

Professor Steve Widdicombe on the panel Plymouth Marine Laboratory's Director of Science Professor Steve Widdicombe was in Tokyo this week for: 'Ocean acidification: a crisis in the making', an event by Back to Blue, an initiative by the Economist Impact and The Nippon Foundation. 

After opening remarks from Charles Goddard: Editorial director at the Asia-Pacific Economist Impact, Yohei Sasakawa: Chairman at The Nippon Foundation, and Lord Paul Deighton: Chairman of the Economist Group, there was a 15-minute film screening, which featured Professor Widdicombe and many other experts in the area of ocean acidification. You can stream the film below.


Watch video: Climate change's evil twin

As carbon emissions change the chemistry of the seas, ocean acidification threatens marine life and human livelihoods. How worried should you be about climate change’s so-called “evil twin”?

Following the film screening, Professor Widdicombe presented the science of ocean acidification to the audiences both in-person and online.

He then joined a panel discussion with followed by a 45-minute panel discussion with other panelists including Peter Thomson - United Nations Secretary-general's Special Envoy for the Ocean, and Malaika Vaz - explorer, National Geographic, and founder, Untamed Planet.

Above: Professor Steve Widdicombe speaking on the panel alongside other panelists Peter Thomson - United Nations Secretary-general's Special Envoy for the Ocean and Malaika Vaz - explorer, National Geographic, and founder, Untamed Planet.

The event comes after the publication "Unifying biological field observations to detect and compare ocean acidification impacts across marine species and ecosystems: What to monitor and why" was published recently, in which Professor Widdicombe was the lead author. 

Find out more and access the report here >>



Above: [from left to right] Charles Goddard: Editorial director at the Asia-Pacific Economist Impact, Professor Steve Widdicombe: Director of Science at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Peter Thomson - United Nations Secretary-general's Special Envoy for the Ocean, and Malaika Vaz - explorer, National Geographic, and founder, Untamed Planet.

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