
The colour of the ocean – why does it matter?

13 November 2024

As part of Protecting our Planet Day (POP24), PML experts share an introduction to Ocean colour, and why it matters to our health and the health of our planet.

What is POP24?

POP24 is an inspiring live-streamed event for schools full of sessions from passionate people working to protect our planet, delivered by ESERO-UK at STEM Learning in collaboration with the European Space Agency and the UK Space Agency. Find out more >>

In the session, PML’s Aquila Erskine spoke to Dr Gemma Kulk and Claire Widdicombe from Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and Prof Alex Nimmo-Smith from the University of Plymouth, where they explain more about observing Ocean colour from space, various sampling techniques, and the microscopic organisms you find in the ocean. You can watch a video from the session below.

WATCH NOW: Ocean colour – why does it matter?

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