
Interactive ecosystem modelling training workshop enjoyed by international scientists

23 July 2024

As a finale to the Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research (AMEMR) Symposium, an interactive ecosystem modelling training workshop was held at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML).

The workshop, titled “​Introduction to new capabilities in marine biogeochemical and ecosystem modelling’, was aimed at scientists of all levels looking to expand their repertoire of models and tools.

Participants were able to explore ecosystem models of varying complexity (MOPS, ERGOM, ECOSMO, PISCES, iHAMOCC and ERSEM) and apply them within water column and global 3D simulations.

A unique feature of the workshop was that each model was introduced by one of its authors, developers or main users, who shared their expertise and supported the practical sessions.

The workshop was organised in collaboration with Horizon Europe projects NECCTON and OceanICU.

Workshop organisers Dr Gennadi Lessin, Marine System Modeller at PML, and Dr Jorn Bruggeman, partner at Bolding &Bruggeman ApS and PML Fellow, commented about the workshop:

“It is a huge privilege to be able to share our expertise with others who are keen to learn about amazing new capabilities in ecosystem modelling to help expand their own research. We had a fantastic group of over 40 participants – well beyond the originally planned 30 – that included Early Career Researchers as well as established scientists. This made for an exciting and dynamic session. It was a great success, and we are grateful to our colleagues from Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, GEOMAR, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany, Mercator Ocean International for their support in delivery of the workshop”.

The Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research (AMEMR) Symposium has been organized by PML since 2008, and supported by the University of Plymouth and the International Science Council’s Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. Earlier this year, AMEMR was also endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade.

Modelling is a fundamental tool for understanding marine ecosystems’ functioning and providing projections of potential future states of the environment. Marine ecosystem modelling is continuously evolving in response to new scientific knowledge, advances in techniques and societal needs.

AMEMR promotes interdisciplinary discussion among stakeholders and modelling, observational and experimental scientists and students, who want to contribute to the conceptualisation, design, development and application of improved and new marine ecosystem models of all types.​

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