Jasmin Dorinda

Jasmin Dorinda

PhD student

jaur2024-09-08@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)

Jasmin is an ARIES DTP PhD student based at Plymouth Marine Laboratory and affiliated with the University of East Anglia (UEA) and case partner Sercon Ltd. Jasmin has a First-Class honours degree in Ecology and Wildlife Conservation from the University of Reading, during which she researched the effects of climatic variables on wild salmonid populations. She has a range of experience in scientific environmental monitoring and nature-based solutions to river catchment management, working with NGOs and public bodies to restore ecosystem services. Prior to starting her PhD, Jasmin completed an MSc in Applied Marine Science at the University of Plymouth exploring the concentrations of nitrous oxide from the River Tamar catchment to the open-shelf waters of the western English Channel.

Jasmin’s PhD titled “Greenhouse Gases in River Catchments to Coastal Seas’ is supported by the expertise of Dr Andy Rees and Dr Vassilis Kitidis at PML, Prof. Dr Jan Kaiser from UEA, and Garry Armstrong at Sercon Ltd. This project aims to address knowledge gaps in the production and transport of greenhouse gases from freshwater systems into the coastal and marine environment by measuring the stable isotopic signatures of N2O (15N/14N, 18O/16O) and CH4 (13C/12C). This project will continue refining methodologies for quantifying gas concentrations while exploring the impacts of regional rewilding and natural flood management schemes on the biogeochemistry of riverine, estuarine, and coastal systems.