
Next steps for collaborative marine research and management in the Plymouth Sound & the Tamar Catchment

06 December 2024

Earlier this year, PML hosted a Research Impact Spotlight Event ‘Plymouth Sound & the Tamar Catchment’, bringing together over 110 participants from 30 organisations to tackle critical research needs in the area – a significant step towards more collaborative marine research and management. Last month, a report was published which brought together all contributions from participants presenting a series of next steps. 

The report outlines an overarching shared vision to create a more sustainable, well-managed marine environment, leveraging local expertise and global research to address both immediate and long-term challenges to the site.  

Find out more and access the new publication here >> 

Jennifer Lockett, Head of Integrated Research, Impact & Support Services at PML, oversaw the event and subsequent publication. She commented: 

“We were overwhelmed at the attendance and enthusiasm from our Research Impact Spotlight Event – showcasing the collective commitment to addressing environmental challenges in the region.” 

“We’d like to thank all participants for their time and valuable input, with representatives coming together from statutory bodies, harbour authorities, community groups, and local water users.” 

“We’d also like to thank our event co-organisers: the Tamar Estuary Consultative Forum and Plymouth Sound National Marine Park. We really value the strong local relationships and networks that we have the fortune to work with to deliver real impact in the region. PML has a significant global reputation for delivering science with purpose but we also care deeply about the local environment where we live and work.” 

“Since the event, we’ve been busy collating the ideas, questions and feedback into one report – presenting tangible steps we can collectively take for more collaborative marine research and management.” 

“These next steps cover a range of issues: from restoring biodiversity and habitat management, to fisheries and aquaculture, to water quality and clean seas.” 

“I’d encourage all interested parties to read the report, and consider how they may contribute to the implementation of the next steps and therefore vision. Please share with us your ideas and plans by emailing so that we may help to signpost and coordinate activity among all groups to enhance awareness and collaboration.” 

Find out more and access the new publication here >> 

“Thank you for every contribution to the event and this report, we look forward to continuing to work together for the benefit of the Plymouth Sound and Tamar Catchment!” 

WATCH: Research Impact Spotlight Event – Plymouth Sound & the Tamar Catchment   

Watch the introductory video from the event featuring insights from Professor Steve Widdicombe, Director of Science at Plymouth Marine Laboratory. The video highlights Plymouth’s unique position in marine research and the necessity of collaborative efforts among local authorities, harbour authorities, community groups, and water users. It also includes perspectives from Rob Giles, Chair of the Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum and King’s Harbour Master for Plymouth, and Tors Froud from Plymouth Sound National Marine Park, showcasing the collective commitment to addressing environmental challenges in the region. 

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