
PML successfully deploy a fleet of ocean robots to improve future forecasts of ocean health

09 August 2024

PML scientists have deployed a fleet of autonomous robotic gliders to monitor phytoplankton blooms and dissolved oxygen levels in the Western English Channel. The deployments form part of a Digital Twin Ocean framework aimed at optimising the predictive capability for harmful algal blooms and coastal deoxygenation, which present significant risks to the marine environment and to public health, with potential for economic loss in commercial fisheries and aquaculture.

Image: Dr Juliane Wihsgott on board the PML Research Vessel Plymouth Quest alongside the 3 robotic gliders just prior to deployment.

Above: Dr Juliane Wihsgott on board the PML Research Vessel Plymouth Quest alongside the 3 robotic gliders just prior to deployment.

WATCH VIDEO: SyncED-Ocean glider deployment