Dr Olivia Rendón

Dr Olivia Rendón

Senior Environmental Economist

ore2025-01-14@pml.ac.uk    |    

Dr Olivia Rendón is an Environmental economist at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, specialising in the valuation of ecosystem services, and its application to sustainable marine and coastal management. Her research aims to further our understanding of the relationship between communities and nature, including the study of the multiple values that humans hold for nature, quantifying natural/ anthropogenic impacts on nature and society, and exploring nature-based solutions to key environmental challenges. Her research seeks to inform more sustainable marine management and use across government-private sector-society, to create impact by advising policy and decision makers. For example, she is currently a co-author of the Third World Ocean Assessment (WOAIII) of the United Nations. Key areas of her work include blue carbon and climate change, ecosystem-based management, flood and erosion management, and marine pollution (i.e., Nitrogen, light). Her research spans local to global scales, with a focus on interdisciplinary projects where she has developed ample experience working with academics, policy makers, managers, NGOs, governments, among other actors.

Key Projects

  • FOCUS National Capabilities International project – feasibility of blue carbon schemes and socioeconomic impacts of light pollution in Chile (WP co-lead)
  • Sea The Value project – state-of-the-art valuation of blue carbon and bioremediation and development of blue carbon finance mechanisms in the UK (WP co-lead)
  • AquaPLAN-Aquatic Pollution from Light and Anthropogenic Noise: Management of Impacts on Biodiversity (WP lead)

Selected Publications

  • Rendón, O., J. Arnul, N.J. Beaumont, A.M.W. Wilson, S.C. Painter, F. Shadiya. 2024. Societal impacts of marine nitrogen pollution: rapid evidence assessment and future research. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 2:1350159
  • Smyth, TJ, Wright, AE, Edwards-Jones, A, McKee, D, Queiros, AM, Rendon, O, et al. 2022.
    Disruption of marine habitats by artificial light at night from global coastal megacities. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10 (1)
  • Du Toit, M.J., O. R. Rendón, et al. 2022. Why Home Gardens Fail in Enhancing Food Security and Dietary Diversity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 804523.
  • Rendón, O.R., E.D. Sandorf and N.J. Beaumont. 2022. Heterogeneity of values for coastal flood
    risk management with nature-based solutions. Journal of Environmental Management 304: 114212.
  • Armstrong, S., O. Burns, A. Garbutt, R. Hudson, O. Rendón, et al. 2021. Saltmarsh Restoration:
    An introduction. In: Saltmarsh Restoration Handbook: UK and Ireland (eds. R. Hudson, J. Kenworthy and M. Best), pp.18-36. Environment Agency, Bristol, UK.
  • Riisager-Simonsen, Rendón, Galatius, Tange Olsen & Beaumont. 2020. Using ecosystem-services assessments to determine trade-offs in ecosystem-based management of marine mammals. Conservation Biology. doi:10.1111/cobi.13512
  • Borger, Hooper, Austen, Marcone & Rendón. 2020. Using stated preference valuation in the offshore environment to support marine planning. Journal of Environmental Management 265: 110520. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110520
  • Dallimer, M., Martin-Ortega, Rendón, Afionis, Bark, Gordon & Paavola. 2020. Taking stock of the empirical evidence on the insurance value of ecosystems. Ecological Economics 167: 106451. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106451
  • Rendón, Garbutt, Skov, Möller, Alexander, Ballinger, Wyles, Smith, McKinley, Griffin, Thomas, Davidson, Pagès, Read & Beaumont. 2019. A framework linking ecosystem services and human well-being: Saltmarsh as a case study. People and Nature Journal, 1(4), 489-496. doi:10.1002/pan3.10050