
Call for social science participation for the 9th International Nitrogen Conference

15 August 2023

We are seeking panel sessions for the 2024 International Nitrogen Initiative Conference, to emphasise the contributions of social scientists in meeting the goals of sustainable nitrogen management.

Ocean, farming and atmosphere. Datingscout | Unsplash

Are you:

  • a social, behavioural or political scientist
  • an agricultural or environmental economist
  • someone who works in an interdisciplinary way that involves these disciplines

… with an interest in pollution from reactive nitrogen? If that sounds like you then please read on.

A group of scientists from the South Asian Nitrogen Hub (SANH) are helping to organise panels that will emphasise the contributions of social scientists in meeting the goals of sustainable nitrogen management. The panels will be planned as part of the conference’s society and governance sub-theme.

Possible panels could focus on economics, policy, governance, and management, in relation to any economic sector, such as agriculture, transport, etc. Cross-cutting themes and interdisciplinary papers are also welcome.

If you’re interested, please submit your abstract by September 15th through the International Nitrogen Initiative conference Abstract Submission Portal.

For further information about the social science sessions, please contact Roger Jeffery on

More general information on the 9th International Nitrogen Conference, to be held in New Delhi (India) on 5th-8th February 2024, can be found here.

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