The marine environment is fundamental to regulating Earth’s climate and has greatly slowed the rate of climate change, however this has come at a cost and the ocean has warmed, acidified and lost oxygen, whilst circulation patterns are changing, and sea levels are rising. To manage these challenges it is vital to understand the interplay between the climate, the ocean and its ecosystems and reso...
Blue carbon research focuses on the ways that oceans and vegetated coastal ecosystems, like mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrass beds, contribute to the global carbon budget.
DEAL will create an application that allows owners of biological image data to participate in decentralised, collaborative networks, where they can le...
Introducing Oceanus – the world’s first long-range autonomous research vessel
WADIM aims to develop a multi-layered digital tool to map sanitation conditions and occurrence of disease and changes therein, especially in the event...
The CHALKY project aims to determine how coccolithophore calcium carbonate production, recycling and export from the surface ocean affects air-sea CO2...
The C-BLUES project aims to significantly advance knowledge and understanding of blue carbon ecosystems (BCEs) – seagrasses, tidal marshes, mang...
The Horizon EU OceanICU is a five year project that seeks to gain a new understanding of the biological carbon pump and its processes in order to prov...
In MIDST-UK, an open source, user friendly, pre-operational Decision Support Tool (DST) will be extended to also included brine release (high salinity...
SmartAUVs will dramatically improve the monitoring capabilities of AUVs, by applying artificial intelligence (AI) in concert with specialized signal p...
Monitoring the complex land-sea interface is critical for managing pollution, carbon fluxes, biodiversity, and other challenges driven by human and cl...
The EuroGO-SHIP project aims to enhance the quality, integration and sustainability of ship-based hydrographic data collection across Europe.
Tyre particles are increasingly recognised as a potentially major source of microplastic pollution, yet limited data exists on their accumulation and ...
The Future states Of the global Coastal ocean: Understanding for Solutions (FOCUS) project is working to understand how climate change and human activ...
Biodegradable bioplastics (BBPs) offer promising solutions to the global plastic pollution challenge. However, our understanding of their fate in the ...
Marine ecosystem health in coastal areas can be challenging to monitor using Earth Observation due to their optical complexity. HyperBOOST will addres...
ProBleu aims to mobilise and engage students, school communities, and the wider community across the EU and associated countries to enhance understand...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is a partner in a major five-year £13.8 million research programme, named “AgZero+’, to support...
With the development of the blue economy, and shift to offshore renewable energy thousands of man-made structures (MMS) have been installed around the...
The UK has plans to increase offshore wind capacity to 50 GW by 2030. This will require an understanding of the trade-offs between climate change and ...
Launching the first Marine Social and Natural Capital Laboratory of its kind, linking social and natural sciences enabling data for ground-breaking re...
The Automated, in situ Plankton Imaging and Classification System (APICS) will radically improve the understanding of how environmental changes are af...
Measuring the effects of new Calstock intertidal wetland on water biogeochemistry
The PELAgIO project will explore the impacts of offshore wind development across all levels of the food chain, looking at the predicted changes across...
This theme will apply ecosystem service and natural capital approaches to understand the environmental implications of changes in the UK energy system...
MOET will assess the environmental sustainability of offshore wind, blue and green hydrogen, and carbon capture and storage for selected test areas of...
Global climate change is the leading environmental challenge facing humanity today. Reliable guidance on the risks and impacts of future climate chang...
NextOcean co-developing a suite of Earth observation-based services for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.
Increasing pressure due to anthropogenic drivers is leading to a reduction of global biodiversity and its associated benefits at the planetary scale. ...
MSPACE is a 3 year project designed to drive forward the capability of the four UK nations in designing and implementing climate-smart marine spatial ...
BiCOME will develop a better understanding of how the community structure and function of coastal ecosystems will respond to the anthropogenic and nat...
COMFORT will identify tipping point in future marine ecosystems induced by climate change and the associated multiple stressors. The impact of these t...
Water-ForCE is co-creating a Roadmap for the development of the next phase of Copernicus Inland Water Services with the space sector, research communi...
SEAMLESS aims at improving the current European capability to simulate and predict the state of marine ecosystems.
FutureMARES is examining the relations between climate change, marine biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Fronts in coastal and oceanic regions are hot-spots for rich and diverse marine life, where floating marine debris also tends to accumulate. FRONTAL i...
The SCIPPER project deploys state-of-the-art and next-generation measurement techniques to monitor emissions of vessels under normal operation.
The highly integrated DREAMS project is designed to bring together information about the effects of man-made structures on the marine ecosystem and th...
Mission Atlantic is the first ever initiative to develop and systematically apply Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (IEAs) at the Atlantic basin scale....
DARE-UK is developing systems to estimate greenhouse gas emissions to improve the accuracy of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory report...
The South Asian Nitrogen Hub is a pioneering UK-South Asia research partnership to enable South Asia to adopt and champion a strategic approach to nit...
AtlantECO is working to understand the human impacts on the marine ecosystems and processes in the Atlantic. The main focus of the project is to deter...
CERTO will provide solutions to harmonise water quality products across a continuum of oceans, seas, coasts, estuaries, lagoons, rivers and lakes, to ...
ACTOM developed the capability for cost-effective monitoring of offshore carbon storage projects as part of Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CC...
The Economics of Marine Plastic Pollution: What are the Benefits of International Cooperation? project is calculating the economic costs of the enviro...
Project start: January 2020 – currently ongoing The ocean carbon cycle is a vital part of the global carbon cycle. It has been estimated that a...
Image courtesy of the World Health Organization. Focusing on the northern Indian Ocean, a multidisciplinary team of scientists from India, Japan and t...
The European Space Agency (ESA) launched the Sentinel-3A satellite in February 2016 and Sentinel-3B in April 2018, as the start of a long-term program...
Removing marine microplastics with mussel power is a one-year feasibility study funded by Waitrose Plan Plastic to develop an ecological solution to m...
Through innovation, collaboration and capacity building, PORTWIMS aims to enhance the science, technology and profile of marine science at the Faculty...
Artificial light at night (ALAN) can now be detected above 22% of the world’s coasts, and will dramatically increase as coastal human population...
Sea State CCI is part of the European Space Agency’s programme to deliver long-term homogeneous datasets covering many of the recognised Essenti...
The oceans, and in particular coastal regions, are responsible for about half of all global photosynthesis as marine bacteria and algae capture sunlig...
At the base of the Arctic food web, there are three major primary producers: small flagellates, diatoms living in open water (pelagic) and diatoms gro...
The AMT4OceanSatFlux project will measure the flux of carbon dioxide (CO2) between the atmosphere and the ocean utilising a state-of-the-art eddy cova...
Ship emissions are significant sources of polluting aerosols in coastal regions, causing hundreds of thousands of premature deaths per year globally. ...
OPTIMA will advance the capacity of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) to accurately assess the state of the marine environm...
The Arctic Ocean is a rapidly changing environment, with rising temperatures leading to an ongoing decline in sea ice and shifting conditions for mari...
The Arctic Ocean is a rapidly changing environment, with rising temperatures leading to an ongoing decline in sea ice and shifting conditions for mari...
Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is a key ingredient in the cocktail of gases that makes up the ‘smell of the sea’. Around 300 million tons of DMS ar...
Funded by EU H2020, MONOCLE brings together 12 partners from across Europe to create sustainable in situ observation solutions for Earth Observation (...
CAMPUS is a three-year project (2018–2021), funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, combining state-of-the-art computer modellin...
This project will conduct laboratory experiments to provide the physiological information and understanding needed to develop the first ever model des...
Lake Vembanad is the largest body of water in Kerala, India, stretching almost 100km in length and spanning an area of over 2000km2. Its shores are ho...
GCRF Blue Communities is a 4 year research capacity-building programme for marine planning in East and South-East (E/SE) Asia, funded by UK Research a...
Shelf and coastal seas provide vital services for society, notably food, from fish, and climate regulation, through their role in drawing down and sto...
Marine organisms accumulate osmolytes in response to stress and release them when environmental conditions change due to viral attack, grazing or chan...
Earth observation of ocean color remains our only window into the pelagic ecosystem at synoptic scales. It is a rich source of data, and chlorophyll c...
Pre-ACT is a €5.2M project led by the Norwegian research institute Sintef. The objective of Pre-ACT is to equip operators and regulators of c...
AlterEco aims to develop a new observational framework based upon the latest marine autonomous systems (MAS) to improve the spatio-temporal understand...
MyCOAST will develop risk management tools and a Coordination Atlantic Coastal Operational Observatory to improve coastal monitoring and forecasting t...
The coastal and marine environments of South East Asia and the Western Indian Ocean (the regional foci of ACCORD) are rich and diverse, possessing hig...
A billion tonnes of the dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is made each year by marine phytoplankton, seaweeds, corals, coastal plants and marine bacte...
The aquaculture sector of Europe’s Atlantic Arc is negatively impacted by the effects of harmful blooms and microbial pathogens. The PRIMROSE pr...
S-3 EUROHAB will use the latest satellite technology to improve the way water quality and harmful algal blooms (HABs) are monitored in the English Cha...
The ChAOS project will focus on how climate change and diminishing sea ice affects impact biological communities, biogeochemical processes and ecosyst...
Our climate, and hence our lifestyle and economy, is profoundly influenced by the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, which regulates t...
Major changes are occurring across the North Atlantic climate system: in ocean and atmosphere temperatures and circulation, in sea ice thickness and e...
SOLSTICE – WIO is a four year collaborative GCRF project that aims to strengthen capacity in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region to addres...
The vast, remote seas which surround the continent of Antarctica are collectively known as the Southern Ocean. This region with its severe environment...
Global climate change is one of the leading environmental threats facing mankind. To develop appropriate mitigation and adaptation strategies requires...
Climate change is one of the most urgent issues facing humanity and life on Earth. Better predictions of future climate change are needed, so that mea...
SWEEP is a new initiative that will help deliver economic and community benefits to the South West, whilst also protecting and enhancing the area̵...
Improving the resilience of communities and coral reefs to changes anticipated as a result of climate change is an issue of huge global importance. Hu...
The Tools for Assessment and Planning of Aquaculture Sustainability (TAPAS) project is working to create cost-efficient management tools and practices...
STEMM-CCS was an ambitious multi-disciplinary project to deliver new approaches, methodologies and tools for the safe operation of offshore carbon dio...
Advent is a UK Energy Research Centre Grand Challenge project exploring future UK low carbon energy pathways and quantifying their differing implicati...
The ShellEye project will use Earth observation data from satellites and environmental data, such as weather forecasts, to monitor and forecast water ...
The main objective of the sea level CCI project is to produce and validate a Sea Level Essential Climate Variable (ECV) product. It represents the fir...
The Western Channel Observatory (WCO) is an oceanographic time-series and marine biodiversity reference site in the Western English Channel. In-situ m...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory have provided satellite data to support researchers since the 1990s and the range of services offered has been constantly e...
An ecosystem model is an abstract, usually mathematical, representation of an ecological system, which is studied to gain understanding of the real sy...
The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) multidisciplinary programme, which undertakes biological, chemical and physical oceanographic research during a...
Airborne remote sensing provides an efficient method for the rapid collection of data over a specified area, as a cost effective means of monitoring t...
The chemicals found in sunscreens are becoming an increasing presence in our ocean. But there are still significant gaps in our understanding of how t...
“It is a big step back in the battle against plastic pollution”. PML’s Dr Samantha Garrard‘s comments have featured on the sto...
A new study reveals the optical properties, or ‘spectral fingerprints’, of phytoplankton in the ocean, providing a valuable dataset for remote-sen...
It’s National Apprenticeship Week! And what better way to celebrate than finding out more about our Phytoplankton Apprentice, Bryony Pearton, and he...
We would like to wish a warm welcome to Monolisha Sundar Raj – the second scientist, and first woman, to be awarded the Trevor Platt Fellowship. As...
2025 marks the 10th anniversary of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a UN observance day celebrated every 11th February, and to mar...
We are thrilled to share the news that PML’s Professor Nicola Beaumont, has been appointed to the Science Advisory Council for the Department for En...
‘Under the sea ice during the Arctic’s pitch-black polar night, cells power photosynthesis on the lowest light levels ever observed in nature&...
PML’s Dr Dhritiraj Sengupta has written for The Conversation UK on how satellites can improve monitoring for environmental and human health; in...
A new study, including scientists from Plymouth Marine Laboratory, warns potentially harmful levels of metal from turbine protection systems are on th...
New study, that included PML scientists, highlights the benefits of existing long-term monitoring programmes and emerging technologies in monitoring t...
PhD researcher with the University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine Laboratory begins a three month fellowship with the Parliamentary Office for Scienc...
Last week, Professor Tim Smyth, alongside Dr Thomas Davies of the University of Plymouth, took part in the annual Evidence Week at the Houses of Parli...
New study reveals for the first time that particle type affects colonization, enrichment and spread of both antimicrobial-resistant and pathogenic (di...
We are thrilled to share the news that Dr Sevrine Sailley, Ecosystem Modeller at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), has been appointed Chair for the In...
Meet Dr Elizabeth C. Atwood, who monitors the health of the ocean – and transitional water systems like rivers – using satellite data. From co...
PML’s Dr Claire Szostek has written for Fishing News regarding new analysis of the impacts of offshore wind farms on the UK fishing industry.
The Global Ocean Artificial Light at Night Network (GOALANN) programme was conceived by world-leading experts at the University of Plymouth and Plymou...
Yesterday the UK government announced plans to ‘unleash AI’ across the UK to boost economic growth. However, this has raised questions about AI’...
The ‘Investing in Ocean Solutions’ meeting is taking place this week in Korea
Today the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) released its annual Global Climate Highlights report that confirmed 2024 was the warmest yea...
Calling all educators – discover our latest videos to open up the world of marine science and ocean literacy to your students.
PML’s Dr Mayra Rodriguez, Earth Observation Scientist, has written for The Conversation UK on how climate change could impact sewer systems in ...
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, staff and students at Plymouth Marine Laboratory and PML Applications Ltd, we send you our Season’s greeting...
On Monday this week (16th December 2024), crew from Plymouth Marine Laboratory embarked on the PML Explorer RIB for routine maintenance on the L4 data...
A new method reveals severe and lasting damage to small coastal creatures.
Reflections on the recent meeting of the World Association of Marine Stations (WAMS)
This week the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) released their flagship publication, with contributions from PML scientists, highlighting the UK energ...
This appointment follows the UK Government nomination of PML’s Bio-optical oceanographer Dr Martinez-Vicente for this vital new two-year methodologi...
An EU research project, involving scientists from Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), has produced the first interactive map of European marine and fres...
PML’s Professor Kerry Howell is currently in Ascension Island, a remote volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean, to gather biodiversity and phy...
The Western Channel Observatory team have recently published the latest data on zooplankton abundance up to 2023 at the L4 coastal sampling site, whic...
The PML-led ‘Copernicus Evolution – Research for harmonised and Transitional water Observation (CERTO)’ project has been showcased in th...
Earlier this year, PML hosted a Research Impact Spotlight Event ‘Plymouth Sound & the Tamar Catchment’, bringing together over 110 participant...
The 2024 event united 855 participants from 20 countries
Meet Aser Mata, an Earth Observation scientist at the forefront of advancing PML’s use of drones – taking our environmental research to new he...
The ProBleu Resource Catalogue of teaching aids is a dynamic online resource designed to promote water literacy and ocean education.
The paper was led by PML co-hosted PhD researcher Davide Lomeo, who used satellite remote sensing and spatial data analysis to discover extreme cyanob...
The 31st Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) leaves Southampton (UK) today for the 5 week voyage to Buenos Aires (Argentina), taking a plethora of mari...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory is a leading partner in a new programme focused on enhancing understanding of how UK marine ecosystems may respond to futur...
More than 60 leading ocean organisations have signed the Baku Ocean Declaration
Clare Lewis – PhD researcher studying meteostunamis in the UK with the University of Reading and Plymouth Marine Laboratory – will feature in a Ch...
PML’s Marine Technology and Autonomy Team embark on the Trinity House Vessel Patricia to service E1 Buoy
An international high-level group is warning of disruption at global scales
The world’s first commercial-scale seaweed farm, set within an existing offshore wind farm in the North Sea, is now fully operational. The final dep...
Our friends at the Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) have organised an incredible week of webinars – free for all to attend – ...
As part of Protecting our Planet Day (POP24), PML experts share an introduction to Ocean colour, and why it matters to our health and the health of ou...
The newly published State of the Cryosphere Report 2024, including contributions from PML’s Prof. Helen Findlay, states that the world’s ice store...
We are pleased to announce that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Plymouth Marine Laboratory and State Key Laboratory of Mar...
The ‘Navigating the Future VI’ report was published by the European Marine Board with input from PML.
Scientists worldwide are being called upon to contribute to a major global research initiative aimed at understanding the impacts of ocean acidificati...
Did you know that rubber particles broken off from the wear and tear of vehicle tyres are a major source of marine plastic pollution? How does this af...
Dr Stefanie Broszeit, Senior marine ecosystem services scientist at PML, has written for The Conversation UK about her work quantifying the value of ...
Subtle temperature differences at the ocean surface allow more carbon dioxide (CO2) to be absorbed, new research shows.
PML’s Dr Karen Tait discusses the role of eDNA in advancing our understanding of marine life
PML contributes to national review of Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS)
As the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP16) has started in Cali, Colombia, our Director of Science Professor Steve Widdicombe shares his th...
Professor Helen Findlay explores the varying forms of marine carbon dioxide removal, and the efficacy and possible impacts of these, particularly in r...
Dr James Clark, Professor James Fishwick, Claire Widdicombe, Elaine Fileman, Dr Saskia Rühl.
It follows the publication of the Summary Report of the 2024 Ocean Dialogue ahead of COP29.
The signing of an Memorandum of Understanding was announced at a workshop in Singapore focused on marine monitoring.
Initial fieldwork results are shared from a project aiming to transform water quality monitoring around the globe.
The UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) has been awarded £11 million to continue its work in advancing the UK’s energy transition, to which Plymouth ...
The brief aims to guide governments in including ocean-based climate solutions as a “blue thread” between climate and biodiversity
With nearly a thousand marine research stations and field laboratories estimated across the world, how can organisations collaborate to tackle key soc...
This week Prof. Steve Widdicombe is showcasing the Western Channel Observatory at the Marine Monitoring for Action workshop in Singapore.
PML’s Senior Environmental Economist Dr Olivia Rendón and Honorary Fellow Torsten Thiele are among the 80+ experts attending the annual Interna...
PML is attending the North Sea Seaweed 2024 event
The award puts PML on the shortlist for the national prize. Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is thrilled to announce its recognition as a Regional Win...
PML senior scientists and students among those presenting and chairing.
The ‘Plankton Manifesto’ highlights the essential function of plankton within marine ecosystems.
A new initiative to address nitrogen pollution in the marine environment of the Maldives, in which Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is a partner, has ...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) have been working together to explore water quality monitoring ...
Small marine crustaceans are as valuable as key coastal habitats for storing carbon and should be similarly protected, according to new research invol...
The two organisations have signed an MoU to work more closely together
PML scientists investigate the impacts of windfarm developments on marine life
We’re excited to share our involvement in a new project that aims to bring together researchers, communities and stakeholders across the UK to c...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory joins the Trevor Platt Science Foundation to announce the sponsorship of a trainee from a developing country to participate...
‘Over the past year global water temperatures have smashed records. Fuelled by Climate change and El Niño, which warms Pacific waters, high sea...
Dr Olivia Rendón, Environmental Economist at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), is in the Maldives this August to support a multi-agency programme to ...
A new study explored the climate effect of the mandated reduction of sulphur in ship exhaust emissions globally since 2020. Highly relevant to interna...
This autumn, the world’s first commercial-scale seaweed farm co-located with an offshore windfarm will launch in the North Sea, about 18 kilometers ...
Following the Annual South West Marine Ecosystems Conference, hosted at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) on 26 April 2024, the State of South West Sea...
PML scientists have deployed a fleet of autonomous robotic gliders to monitor phytoplankton blooms and dissolved oxygen levels in the Western English ...
The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) from the UK to the South Atlantic enables pioneering investigations into how the Ocean is changing.
Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement is one method of Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal (oCDR), also known as Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR), a growing...
As the summer sunshine sends thousands flocking to the South West’s coastline, researchers from the University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine L...
Recent concerns over poor water quality at the Paris Olympics 2024 have highlighted the urgent need for effective monitoring and management of rivers....
Earlier in the year, a team of PML researchers headed to Hobart, Tasmania for the 7th International Zooplankton Symposium. Some of the team kindly sha...
New research led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) has found that the Southern Ocean absorbs more carbon dio...
Delighted to host a visit by Tom Haynes, Associate Director of NERC’s National Capability, today at the laboratory! Discover the tour…
We had a great week hosting work experience placements with Sixth Form students from the Nuffield Trust, with the aim to introduce students to the use...
As a finale to the Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research (AMEMR) Symposium, an interactive ecosystem modelling training workshop was held at...
PML recently hosted a landmark event that brought together over 110 participants from 30 organisations to tackle critical research needs for Plymouth ...
A new study led by PML scientists has, for the first time, explored the use of drones and deep learning to detect, count and map Pacific oysters ̵...
Luke Pollard MP today visited Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) to see firsthand some of the exciting new marine science technologies being developed i...
The Geo for Good Impact Awards celebrate users and organizations creating real-world impact using Google’s mapping tools.
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is proud to announce that it has been awarded the respected Silver Investors in Diversity (IiD) accreditation.
Thousands are expected to attend the free event in London this week, an annual celebration of cutting-edge research that has hosted displays and discu...
It was announced in April that PML’s Professor Steve Widdicombe was voted as the UK National Champion for the Frontiers Planet Prize, a global c...
The trial off St Ives Bay in Cornwall involved adding magnesium hydroxide to wastewater.
PML’s Professor Matt Frost featured on BBC Rare Earth today (28th June) discussing the problem faced by governments across the world… with...
Following the planned major overhaul and sensor upgrades, the L4 Autonomous Buoy has now been deployed back on station at the L4 sampling site, 4 naut...
New video summarises research at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) that is helping to detect oil spills across the global ocean using satellite technol...
Who manages the day-to-day running of our four-storey laboratory; brimming with an assortment of experiments and research spanning seven science depar...
The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) has announced funding for a new project proposed by our Dr James Clark and collaborators, to develop s...
A new collaborative study from scientists at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, SALT Lofoten and the Norwegian Institu...
Coinciding with World Oceans Day (8th June 2024), two major international marine initiatives have announced the signing of a landmark agreement to wor...
Professor Atkinson has been recognised for his services to Polar Marine Research and Conservation, at the same time his father Anthony Atkinson was al...
World Oceans Day (WOD) is celebrated annually on 8th June across the globe, fostering public interest in the crucial role the ocean plays in all of ou...
PML’s Professor Steve Widdicombe was among the authors
New research has shown that while high-pressure weather conditions were the main driver behind the elevated temperatures, warming due to climate chang...
This week the DREAMS team presented their findings from their 3 year study into the different strategies for decommissioning structures in the North S...
The award was presented at the 2024 Devon &Plymouth Chamber Awards ceremony, “celebrating Devon’s brightest businesses’.
PML’s Professor Matt Frost reflects on the 26th SBSTTA meeting
A groundbreaking study by an international team of researchers, including scientists from Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), has revealed seaweed fores...
“Sonification’ is a term to describe the musical representation of data, and here, we share a sonification using projected model data of t...
Meet Dr Frances Hopkins – or more affectionately known at the laboratory here as Frankie – a Marine Biogeochemist in our “Marine Bio...
PML’s Marine and Climate Change Ecologist Prof Ana Queirós was interviewed by the BBC for their article, “Hurricanes, heatwaves a...
Listen now to Yachting International Radio’s Yacht Crew Vlog, featuring our Chief Executive Professor Icarus Allen and Brett Phaneuf from Submer...
Computer models forecast a worrying future for the Ascension Island Marine Protected Area.
New study shows that the mangroves of Tumbes, Peru are extensively contaminated with microplastic pollution, and estimate that the local inhabitants a...
The most advanced and comprehensive analysis of climate change impacts on the UK’s marine environment, in support of effective marine conservation a...
PML’s Professor James Fishwick takes part in a UK Marine Autonomy summit during Singapore Maritime Week
It was announced today (22nd April 2024) that our Director of Science Professor Steve Widdicombe is one of 23 researchers from 23 countries voted as t...
There was a lot of activity at the laboratory this week as we moved two of our autonomous buoys to Turnchapel Wharf in Plymouth, the final stretch bef...
The event in Barcelona brought together around 1,500 scientists and representatives of governments and environmental organisations.
PML has worked with the European Space Agency (ESA) for a number of decades, building a strong collaborative relationship on Earth observation researc...
International experts gather for panel discussions during UN Ocean Decade event in Barcelona.
The Global Ocean Artificial Light at Night Network (GOALANN) was launched today at the United Nations Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona.
Be the first to see the new video featuring a computer-generated imagery (CGI) impression of our eagerly-anticipated research vessel, the “Ocean...
Our colleagues will be taking part in the 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference (10-12 April) and the Ocean Decade Week (8-12 April). Find out more about th...
Leading scientists, industry and governmental representatives gather for international workshop on ocean-based carbon dioxide removal.
New sensors have been installed on the Tamar Bridge in Devon as part of an international project
Leading UK scientists will be bringing the ocean to London for a week of free science activities
A new study, led by Plymouth Marine Laboratory, has revealed five high-risk zones where floating plastic litter poses the greatest risk to North Atlan...
A team of PML researchers are heading to Hobart, Tasmania for the 7th International Zooplankton Symposium, with Prof. Angus Atkinson having the honour...
PML is taking part in the annual initiative to give scientists an insight into UK policymaking.
The ‘Protecting Our Planet’ Ocean session is now available to watch, featuring PML’s Senior Research Software Engineer, Dr Dan Clewl...
How will climate change affect the spread of non-native species? A new paper led by PML scientists investigates the expansion of the non-native Pacifi...
We are thrilled to announce that a number of PML’s scientists have been awarded Honorary Professorships from the University of Plymouth.
Most rivers ultimately lead to the sea, and so the health of our rivers is linked inextricably to the health of our ocean. Today (Thursday 14th March)...
New study shows an unprecedented redistribution of marine ecosystems as a result of ocean warming that may have important economic and social conseque...
A new report has been published by Fair Seas, led by scientists from Plymouth Marine Laboratory, highlighting key Irish marine areas that can promote ...
The pervasive use of plastic in modern society has led to plastic litter becoming ubiquitous within the ocean, writes Marine Ecosystem Services Resear...
PML scientists have been published in a comment article, where they stress the need for “a review of decommissioning strategies [R...
We are calling for researchers to submit research to feed into a structured review of social and cultural values of UK marine and coastal ecosystems, ...
Our Director of Science Professor Steve Widdicombe and Biological Oceanographer Professor Helen Findlay were interviewed by the Financial Times on the...
It was announced last week that the NECCTON project – dedicated to enhancing marine biodiversity conservation through innovative methods –...
Watch the new film featuring PML’s Professor Ana M Queirós and Thomas Mesher, who talk alongside colleagues from Heriot-Watt University...
New collaborative study has developed an important addition to the decision support toolkit of tropical fisheries managers, to enable proper considera...
New metrics are needed to help policymakers assess the benefits and environmental effects of offshore wind more effectively, writes Ecosystems Service...
We’re delighted to announce that the 2nd funding call is now open for educators and schools to dive into water literacy and sustainability proje...
Our Marine microbial ecologist Dr Glen Tarran is one of the PML scientists onboard the RRS Sir David Attenborough, which is currently navigating the A...
NERC Earth Observation Data Analysis and Artificial-Intelligence Service (NEODAAS), a service hosted at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), overseen by ...
New study shows that the shape of microplastics influence their trapping in coastal vegetated habitats, and adds to the growing knowledge base of accu...
A new study, published in Nature Scientific Reports, reveals that the availability of viable pollutant substitutes and environmental risk rather than ...
In their quest to improve our understanding of the changes taking place in the world’s oceans, leading scientists from Plymouth Marine Laborator...
Recent research undertaken by Plymouth Marine Laboratory scientists has revealed several key insights from offshore windfarm stakeholders, in relation...
PML’s Chief Executive, Prof. Icarus Allen, writes for Sea Technology Magaine about exciting developments and achievements at PML in 2023 and wha...
The Maldives is a nation of islands in the Indian Ocean, renowned for its idyllic beaches, glass-like waters, and rich marine biodiversity; home to ab...
New research sheds light on tiny plankton, which measure less than 0.02mm in diameter but can make up more than 70% of the plankton biomass found in t...
PML’s artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities are expanding rapidly. Here we are excited to share our new AI video as well as a Q&A with D...
Our scientists are currently in Antarctica, on an ambitious 30-day scientific expedition onboard the RRS Sir David Attenborough. In this update, we sh...
Our scientists took our new Imaging FlowCytobot down to the local Millbay Marina last week for our first-ever test of the equipment in real sea condit...
“Each one of us has a vested interest in the Ocean, because the Ocean is critical in maintaining our climate”. Listen to our Director of S...
To help meet net-zero emission targets by 2050, it is estimated that there will need to be a drastic increase in the development of offshore windfarms...
PML is excited to share the news that the next installment of Brian Cox School Experiment videos has been launched, including a video on ocean acidifi...
PML is pleased to be participating in a new EU project, launched this week, to improve our comprehension of how biodiversity is being impacted by ligh...
Our Dr Anthony Ndah is the Coordinator for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) Africa, which has been awarded the “Ocean Tribute Award’...
PML is pleased to share the news of three projects, on the topics of oil spills, health impacts of sea spray and ocean connectedness, have been awarde...
Policy-makers and stakeholders attended a recent launch event and roundtable discussion in Parliament.
PML’s Dr Angus Atkinson has led a new study that reveals a hidden danger lurking beneath the waves: climate change is silently eroding the ocean...
The ambitious 30-day scientific expedition aboard the RRS Sir David Attenborough is part of the PICCOLO project
Through the Twinning Capability for the Natural Environment (TWINE) programme, PML has been successful in a funding bid that aims to significantly imp...
PML scientists have led a new publication that has shown that the carbon cycle (the direction, flow and destination of carbon between Earth’s ca...
Our new study investigates what happens when biodegradable plastics enter the ocean, and whether these increasingly popular alternatives to convention...
Preliminary results from our survey on the impacts of offshore wind farms on commercial fishing in the UK. There is still time to share your views, wi...
We are happy to share the news that the Western Channel Observatory has made accessing its century worth of physical, chemical and biological data fro...
This is a chat with internationally-renowned explorer and founder of Ocean Warrior, Jim McNeill, and PML’s Chief Executive, Prof. Icarus Allen, ...
Whilst most of our scientists focus on marine research, Professor Stefan Simis specialises in inland water ecosystems – using satellite data to ...
A number of PML staff have been awarded Honorary Professorships by the University of Exeter, highlighting the outstanding contribution of their collab...
COP28 acknowledged the need to transition “away from fossil fuels” but many feel it is not enough.
The survey, launched today, aims to gather feedback from those working in commercial fishing in the UK, using data collected to help inform more effec...
A newly published study of existing satellite algorithms shows that multi-spectral satellite images can be used to generate flood maps in the Lake Vem...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is excited to be part of the very first dedicated Space Pavilion, showcasing the latest climate data, technology and ...
Our brilliant Gayathra Bandara, tells us about his experience as the first-ever Trevor Platt Fellow, and urges aspiring scientists to apply for the 20...
PML scientist contributes to new Blue Carbon policy brief that outlines the ways in which coastal blue carbon ecosystems are currently “actionab...
Today at the UN Climate Change meeting COP28, in the ‘Rising Seas: Coastal Strategies and Solutions’ side event, PML signed a letter of in...
Our Professor Helen Findlay, along with over 60 other leading cryosphere experts, contributed the latest in scientific research to inform the State of...
PML ocean and climate experts will be playing active parts in the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory have joined forces with the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) and four other partners to deliver project ProBleu: to ...
The Roadmap to Oceans and Climate Action (ROCA) initiative, involving governments, international agencies, NGOs, scientific institutions, private sect...
Ocean Pavilion partners and stakeholders have unveiled the COP28 Dubai Ocean Declaration in advance of the UN climate conference.
We are thrilled to share the news that PML’s Prof. Pennie Lindeque and Dr Matthew Cole have yet again both been named on Clarivate’s Highl...
TOMORROW: Join a free webinar organised by the Economist Impact: Ocean acidification: a threat to marine ecosystems and economies in the Commonwealth ...
There has been a flurry of microplastic research papers involving Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) scientists published over the last month.
Plymouth Marine Laboratory is delighted to announce that the official opening of a brand new solar photovoltaic carport is being held today, with the ...
As Storm Ciarán continues its journey north-east, Professor Tim Smyth reflects on its effect on the Western Channel Observatory – an oc...
For Ocean Acidification Week 2023, we’re breaking down the science to help make the issue more accessible for everyone.
Meet Amy Kenworthy, who joined us recently as the new Project Manager for the “Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability’ (OARS) pro...
Our friends at the Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) have organised an incredible week of webinars – free for all to attend ...
Emily Stevenson is a PhD student with PML and the University of Exeter – and has been making a splash in the media recently for her work on plastic ...
Innovate UK announce Government funding to support innovation and growth in the region’s marine and maritime sectors.
Exciting new PhD Studentship opportunities to train tomorrow’s leaders in Environmental Science.
Our Director of Science Professor Steve Widdicombe has written an article for the Global Ocean Observing System, on the “three horsemen” o...
Our Dr James Clark facilitated discussions on the impact of plastic pollution on “Small Island Developing States’ (SIDS), and proposed sol...
First comparison of the efficiency and efficacy of methods to culture microplastic-colonising bacteria to help increase understanding of the “Plasti...
Scientists measured microplastic concentrations in the highly productive Barents Sea and suggest that ocean circulation, ice melt, tourism, inadequate...
Earlier this year, PML scientists released a new evidence base on the impacts of offshore wind farm developments and the outcomes for marine ecosystem...
The awards “shine a spotlight on the UK science at the heart of the responsible management of our planet”.
PML has contributed evidence to inform a report published today by the Environmental Audit Committee, with the report stating that rising sea levels &...
PML has a long-standing relationship with the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) – a world-leading institute in tropical marine resea...
Launch of the Ocean Breakthroughs: 5 pathways to catalyse action to achieve a healthy and productive ocean
Dr Matt Frost, Head of PML’s International Office is attending the 25th Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTT...
Plank-tonnes of fun; gamifying plankton data to increase ocean literacy in non-scientific communities
This World Space Week we want to celebrate the ways in which space technologies are helping PML to address societal challenges across the globe:
Our Dr James Clark will be attending the Global Plastics Summit this coming week – held in Bangkok, Thailand – where he will be facilitati...
We would like to wish a warm welcome to Gayathra Bandara – the first scientist to be awarded the Trevor Platt Fellowship. As part of the Fellows...
Professor Lindeque received the prestigious award this week alongside colleagues Professor Richard Thompson of the University of Plymouth and Tamara G...
This week PML scientists join the annual meeting of the UKRI GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub to discuss programme progress as well as help launch a bran...
New study examines the conditions that led to two unusual coccolithophore blooms in Scottish waters during the summer of 2021. Using satellite data an...
The 2023 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Summit takes place this week in New York. It will mark the beginning of a new phase of accelerated progr...
It’s now easier than ever to utilise data from the Western Channel Observatory (WCO) – an open-access time series that began in the Wester...
The group includes a range of ocean leaders including Sylvia Earle and Prince Albert II of Monaco
The “Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability’ (OARS) programme is designed to support the development of ocean acidification scien...
“Britain’s Ocean City’ welcomes the committee – whose members span the breadth of ocean science – to champion the UN Oce...
PML scientists have played leading and contributing roles to assessment reports on the health and status of the North-East Atlantic, published today (...
PML has invested heavily in its marine autonomous capabilities in recent years, with further backing in the recruitment of three new positions to deli...
“I have fished, dived, swam and kayaked around the coast for 50 years – and not seen them before.”
Dr Saskia Rühl recently joined us as a Digital Marine Biologist, but her journey at PML actually began much earlier than this – almost ...
World-leading scientists have developed a comprehensive scientific roadmap for satellite monitoring of ocean carbon over the next decade. Alongside a ...
Our Professor Ana Queirós has been featured in the AXA Investment Managers Sound Progress podcast, explaining the importance of climate liter...
A unique voyage to build a greater scientific understanding of the marine environment in the Arctic and the impacts of global climate change will see ...
First full assessment of ecosystem services provided by zooplankton shows that by maintaining sustainable fisheries, reducing plastic pollution and mi...
We are seeking panel sessions for the 2024 International Nitrogen Initiative Conference, to emphasise the contributions of social scientists in meetin...
Last month we ran our first work experience week, inviting 12 students from schools across Devon to the lab to sample life as a marine scientist first...
Today the OSPAR Commission shared the 36th issue of highlights from its Quality Status Report 2023, focusing on the Plankton Indicator Assessments.
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Trevor Platt Science Fund, which has been set up to support capacity building, primarily in developing co...
PML scientists contribute to the annual comprehensive review of the South-West’s stunning marine and coastal environments.
We are pleased to share the news that PML is the latest member of the Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP).
Global average sea surface temperatures reached “unprecedented levels” for June, according to Copernicus (EU’s Earth Observation pro...
We are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend and colleague, Professor Paul Somerfield, who has passed away following a short illness.
A new two-year project, named Vis4Sea, has been granted funding to measure the impacts of flooding on water quality in the Plymouth Sound and the wide...
We are delighted to be working with Seiche Ltd to test a remote monitoring camera system on top of our laboratory, as part of our ongoing work to expa...
Yesterday (26th July) we celebrated The International Day for the Conservation of Mangroves by sharing information about these incredible ecosystems a...
Find out more about these incredible ecosystems and the reasons why a day has been dedicated to celebrating them.
We are excited to announce the opportunity to apply for the 2nd Trevor Platt Fellowship.
Our Dr Mahasweta Saha has featured in the popular online publication The Conversation UK, discussing the impacts of climate change on chemical communi...
Our Prof. Matthew Palmer gave evidence on the “Future of Ocean Technology’ to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Ocean, and the inq...
The Lab will be a testbed for novel and transformative marine science using integrated ecological, psychological, social and economic research approac...
The Lab will be a testbed for novel and transformative marine science using integrated ecological, psychological, social and economic research approac...
As Net Zero week begins, so does the installation of our new solar photovoltaic panel carport – the latest in our efforts to reduce carbon emiss...
Our Head of Marine Ecology and Biodiversity leaves for the Galapagos this weekend ahead of a new project to tackle plastic pollution in the Eastern Pa...
Marine heatwaves have been headline news over the last couple of weeks. Here we explain what they are, how they are caused and what impact they have o...
The film crew visited the laboratory – and came onboard our research vessel Quest to discuss the effects of changing temperatures on the marine ...
A new method to improve field measurements of remote sensing reflectance for satellite validation of ocean colour has been published by our Earth Obse...
Our Dr Samantha Garrard attended the second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrum...
Dr Sathyendranath is recognised for her services to oceanography
Scientists have installed autonomous sensors into fields of key crops to gain a better understanding of how agricultural land may act as a source of d...
As part of our ongoing celebrations of the Western Channel Observatory (WCO), we sat down with Senior Scientist Dr James Clark, who sits in our Marine...
A trio of SW-based scientists were awarded for their research and influence on the global issue of marine microplastics.
Our Professor Tom Bell spoke yesterday at the UN Bonn Climate Change Conference S8 58 side event: “The Global Stocktake &Ocean-based Ca...
As part of our ongoing celebrations of the Western Channel Observatory (WCO), we sat down with Claire Widdicombe to talk about her role as WCO Phyto...
As part of our ongoing celebrations of the Western Channel Observatory, we sat down with Dr Gavin Tilstone to talk about how he keeps an eye on the We...
For this years’ World Ocean Day we are celebrating the wonderful work of the Western Channel Observatory, hosted at Plymouth Marine Laboratory i...
The appointment was announced today to mark World Ocean Day.
A new evidence review draws attention to the often overlooked marine trace gas dimethylsulfide (DMS). The review covers its production and fate, its i...
Our Dr Lauren Biermann spoke with BBC Radio 2 today about her upcoming SoapBox Science talk this weekend, which will focus on her work using satellite...
Our Dr Lauren Biermann spoke with BBC Radio 2 today about her upcoming SoapBox Science talk this weekend, which will focus on her work using satellite...
Just released: a new evidence base on the environmental impacts of offshore wind farm developments and the outcomes for marine ecosystem services.
Our Dr Frances Hopkins talks about how the Marine Biogeochemistry team measure various gases produced both by human activities and naturally by the oc...
Our Dr Samantha Garrard explains in a new article published in The Conversation UK why you should check your tyres: maintaining the correct tyre press...
Monday 22nd May marks the “International Day of Biological Diversity’, a day sanctioned by the United Nations for the promotion of biodive...
Research published in Nature Communications shows, for the first time, that corals exposed to artificial light at night are spawning one to three days...
An oceanic phenomena: investigating the effects of “mesoscale eddies’ on the air-sea CO2 sink in the South Atlantic Ocean
Dr Matt Frost has recently taken up the position of Head of the PML International Office, to help drive forward PML’s vision for a sustainable o...
Scientists have released a plain language summary of a publication that examined the scientific evidence for impacts of decommissioning man-made struc...
Internationally-renowned expert on blue finance and ocean governance
A pioneering application of machine learning is helping scientists to emulate highly complex physical-biogeochemical marine processes, to forecast mar...
Perle Deaibes is completing a research internship at Plymouth Marine Laboratory under supervisor Dr Mahasweta Saha.
The report has been supported by three ocean acidification experts from Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
We are delighted to welcome Dr Matt Frost to the PML family, who is taking up the position of Head of the PML International Office.
Potential to increase ship emission monitoring to 100% coverage of the global ocean and attribute to individual ships.
Modelling study highlights potential effects of climate change on marine ecosystems in Southeast Asian seas.
The initiative is designed to give scientists and policymakers an opportunity to experience each other’s worlds.
PML science supports the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment.
Polyester microfibres shown to inhibit growth in mussels by about a third in first-of-its-kind experiment.
The UK Earth Observation Climate Information Service (EOCIS) is designed to support better-informed decision-making
The historic pact supports the aim of placing 30% of international waters into protected areas by 2030
The scientists have received bespoke training from McLane Labs with their Imaging FlowCytobot
The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) is a research programme that samples the open ocean between the UK and the South Atlantic, and has recently dep...
A comprehensive new review of impacts on zooplankton caused by ocean warming also highlights solutions for improved monitoring
The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) is a research programme that samples the open ocean between the UK and the South Atlantic, and it is readying f...
The South West Partnership for Environmental and Economic Prosperity (SWEEP) project ran from 2017 – 2022, here we celebrate its impact to the b...
PML to provide independent analysis of the Amazon-funded North Sea Farm 1 project
Four appointments over the past year to support the charity’s strategic direction
To mark “International Day of Women and Girls in Science‘, we wanted to share the story of our “Deputy Skipper’ Georgina Ramm,...
New project aims to map cholera in India by collecting sanitation and disease data through a publicly accessible smartphone app.
The trials are a critical milestone in the commissioning of the ship
A new framework supports the vision for a step change in the global monitoring of OA impacts on marine life
New study helps improve understanding of the interplay between species domination, competitive advantage and changing environmental factors relevant t...
A new study reveals that trace atmospheric gases thought to be pollutants are also produced by marine plankton and emitted by the ocean, with potentia...
Dr Lee de Mora sits within our Marine Systems Modelling group, which develops and applies state-of-the-art computational models to promote sustainable...
The “FOCUS’ project is one of six given the go-ahead as part of a £39m funding announcement from the Natural Environment Research Council...
Pioneering techniques helps reveal how link between seaweed habitats and the seafloor may affect the global carbon cycling.
The pioneering statistical method compensates more accurately for gaps in chlorophyll and sea surface temperature data.
“Only by halving emissions by 2030, in line with the Paris Agreement’s science-based 1.5°C limit, can we minimise the risks of crossing i...
After lengthy deliberation nearly 200 countries signed the pact aimed at halting and reversing biodiversity loss.
PML scientists are over the moon with the opportunities the ‘Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT)’ mission will open up for increasin...
International research duo highlight the ecological significance of chemical communication by algae.
Coastal megacities could be illuminating the marine environment up to six times more than the moon but is often not considered when reviewing stressor...
Last week three PML scientists attended the annual meeting of the UKRI GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub at the Maldives National University, to present ...
The Knight of the Order of Cultural Merit recognises excellence in science
Dr Victor Martinez-Vicente is part of PML’s Earth Observation team which has pioneered techniques for remote sensing of marine plastics
AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM), in partnership with the AXA Research Fund, has announced Plymouth Marine Laboratory’s Dr Ana Queiros as winner...
We are extremely proud to announce that PML’s Prof. Pennie Lindeque and Dr Matthew Cole have both been named on Clarivate’s Highly Cited R...
The UKRI-supported “Sea the Value’ project is aimed at determining the economic, ecological and socio-cultural value of marine ecosystems....
Dr Helen Findlay, Biological Oceanographer at PML, led a team of internationally recognised scientists to bring together the Marine Climate Change Imp...
The IPCC has concluded that total Arctic summer sea ice loss is now inevitable, likely before 2050.
The 27th session of the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) takes place in Sharm El-Sheikh from 6...
Additional funding has been awarded to continue satellite research that will ultimately help increase understanding of the important role of phytoplan...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory’s Marine Systems Modelling team have contributed to the Royal Society’s Geological Carbon Storage briefing pape...
Algae may be tiny but many in maritime industries know all too well the large-scale negative impacts some of these microscopic plants can have on busi...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) has donated a number of laptop computers for use by orphaned schoolchildren in the Black Sea coastal city of Odesa.
A pioneering new study has been published that investigates global trends in ship emissions, using a novel AI method to catalogue over one million shi...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is delighted to announce that Prof. Pennie Lindeque, Head of Science for Marine Ecology and Biodiversity at PML, has ...
The potential for autonomous technology to advance understanding of our constantly evolving ocean and coastlines has taken a major step forward with t...
Jasmin Dorinda is in the 2nd year of her ARIES PhD project based at Plymouth Marine Laboratory in the Marine Biogeochemistry and Observations (MBO) te...
Our Professor Pennie Lindeque, Head of Science: Marine Ecology and Biodiversity, featured recently on the Euronews #OceanCalls podcast: ‘Is it p...
Following on from the successful launch of Smart Sound Connect earlier this year, today marks the opening of a state-of-the-art control centre for the...
Scientists from Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) have installed cages filled with mussels at four local estuary sites (three in the Plym estuary and o...
World leaders in ocean science and philanthropy are coming together to ensure the ocean will occupy a more prominent position at the UN Climate Confer...
Smart Sound Connect, the world’s first ocean-focussed 5G testbed, has been recognised by the mobile sector as a cutting-edge innovation platform...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory has been awarded a grant to fund a decision-making support tool to facilitate the expansion of marine UK wind energy in an ...
The new automated system will enable a step change in the frequency and range of marine plankton measurements.
Plymouth Marine Laboratory has led on a study to identify the biological control of the interannual and long-term variations in South Atlantic air-sea...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory’s Andrew Edwards-Jones has contributed to a paper that offers qualitative research on cultural ecosystem services, sp...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory has contributed to a publication that highlights a new approach to more accurately estimate phytoplankton biomass and net p...
PML has published a new paper on the ‘Characterisation of the inshore marine sectors of Da Nang, Vietnam’.
Plymouth Marine Laboratory’s Chief Executive Professor Icarus Allen was recently invited by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) to...
A new study has been published to help improve understanding of the link between marine habitat “health’ and ecosystem service provision, ...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the University of Aberdeen and have been awarded a round of funding for their joint project, “The marine energy, ...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory have contributed to a paper investigating lake chlorophyll-a (an indicator of algae) responses to the 2019 European double ...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory has led a study that has revealed dramatic changes in the abundance of phytoplankton in the North Atlantic over the last 60...
A new AI technique pioneered by scientists at PML uses images from a vessel-mounted camera to identify different types of marine plastic.
Plymouth Marine Laboratory has contributed to the eighth report in the series, which brings the marine and coastal community together to record change...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory are part of a new carbon capture project that could pave the way for large-scale removal of carbon dioxide (CO₂) ...
The advanced technology is a key part of the Smart Sound Plymouth network of autonomous platforms.
Plymouth Marine Laboratory scientists were delighted to have been able to play a prominent role at the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, in recognition o...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory’s Director of Science Steve Widdicombe has co-authored Chapter 2 in UNESCO’s pilot ‘State of the Ocean Re...
The findings of a world-first pilot study involving marine system modelling and biodiversity scientists from Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) will hel...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) scientists will play a prominent role at the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference from 27 June to 1 July in Lisbon, P...
Plymouth-based M SUBS Ltd were commissioned to design the 24m “Oceanus‘
The new expanded skills programme will involve ten UK organisations focused on solving a broad range of critical environmental and sustainability prob...
Climate change is disrupting essential chemical communication processes between organisms – “the language of life’ – in all ty...
The Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces (GTWS) meeting occurs every five years and brings together approximately 150 scientists from countries all over the...
Climate change challenging the Ocean’s capacity to provide, according to a new paper co-authored by PML’s Dr Carol Turley.
A PML-led study and international collaboration with Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute which utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to identify ...
The UK Government’s “British energy security strategy‘ (published April 7 2022) sets out how Great Britain will “accelerate ho...
Friday 1 April 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) becoming an independent organisation with charitable status.
Study shows advances in street lighting are reducing the efficacy of coastal species’ camouflage
The Smart Sound Connect Marine 5G Mobile Private Network, deployed by Vodafone and operated by Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), is to be the world&#...
Professor Nicola Beaumont and Dr James Clark among the contributing authors of a brief issued by the North Atlantic Microplastic Centre (NAMC) to supp...
A review of more than 70 impact strategies from organisations across the world has identified Plymouth Marine Laboratory as a key example of good prac...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory science contributes to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.
A new study has found that sea ice extent has a profound impact upon the concentration of reactive organic gases and their exchange between Arctic wat...
The resumed session of the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) – the world’s highest-level decision-making body on the envir...
International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11th February 2022) offers a chance for the scientific community to reflect on gender diversity in ST...
Support from the Wolfson Foundation will enable monitoring and improved understanding of air-sea gas exchange in unprecedented detail using autonomous...
As coastal areas become increasingly built up, concerns are growing about levels of artificial light at night (ALAN) and its potential impacts on the ...
On 1 December 2021, Dr. Le Quang Nam – the Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Da Nang City – was elected to become the new P...
Dr Shubha Sathyendranath, PML Merit Remote Sensing Scientist, received the prestigious A.G. Huntsman Award for Excellence in the Marine Sciences durin...
In the wake of COP26, the South West is to play a lead role in a major new initiative aimed at sustainably managing the UK’s coasts and seas.
Following more than a decade of hard work by many parties and stakeholders, including Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), the ocean was incorporated int...
PML is proud to announce that two of our academics have been named on the annual Highly Cited Researchers™ 2021 list from Clarivate.
James Cameron – filmmaker, ocean explorer and Plymouth Marine Laboratory patron – has a message about the importance of science-based solu...
Scientists from Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) are part of team of world-class ocean and blue carbon experts taking part of ambitious five-year glob...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory has joined forces with eight of the UK’s leading scientific organisations to create the National Climate Science Part...
Researchers from six countries have investigated the impact of climate change on strategies designed to ensure the sustainable use of marine resources...
The use of autonomous ocean-going vessels, SMART platforms and other maritime technologies are in focus as part of a short film from IMarEST and ITN P...
PML’s research and researchers played key roles at COP26 in Glasgow.
More than 90 organisations are supporting the call to scale-up ocean-based climate solutions and action. With just one week until the start of COP26, ...
A PML project using satellite data to detect oil on the sea’s surface has found significant oil spills occurring off the coast of West Africa.
The 2021 A.G. Huntsman Medal will be awarded to PML Merit Remote Sensing Scientist Dr Shubha Sathyendranath.
We are overjoyed to share the news that Dr Mahasweta Saha, Senior Scientist at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), won the Science category at the Asian...
The Ocean Futures programme identifies key strengths in fields including marine autonomy, digital innovation and clean maritime.
PML’s former CEO working with PML scientists have published the fascinating book “Environmental Impact of Ships’, which is available...
A team of international scientists have identified widespread phytoplankton blooms in the Southern Ocean, from December 2019 to March 2020, following ...
Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with the toxigenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae.
An autonomous underwater glider was launched off the coast of Plymouth earlier this year, offering the opportunity to challenge methods of navigation ...
Further to the funding announcement in Summer 2020, the MARLIN Star project held its 5th progress meeting in the Marine Station (University of Plymout...
A Plymouth Marine Laboratory researcher has contributed to the latest report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),...
Science on ice, helicopter training, and a polar bear encounter: all in a day’s work for a Marine Chemist in the Arctic.
The Caribbean is renowned globally for its stunning beaches and crystal clear ocean. However, its islands and the surrounding seas are being contamina...
“It is 2050 and the Ocean is thriving and abundant … activities have made a significant contribution to successfully addressing four globa...
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and partners have been successful in securing funding to help investigate how to safeguard the future of the marine a...
PML has announced the appointment of a new Chairperson. Janice Timberlake – who has been a Trustee of the charity for the past nine years –...
The culmination of two years detailed planning and development, a custom-built 8.5-metre-tall autonomous data buoy – featuring a set of onboard ...
Scientists at Plymouth Marine Laboratory have launched a series of in-situ trials of a unique microplastic clean-up method using mussels as filtration...
A unique new study builds on understanding of how ocean waves behave in coastal areas, using data from satellite-based altimetry measurements.
In a new paper published in Frontiers in Marine Science, scientists call for increased consideration of ocean acidification to help inform future fish...
Even phytoplankton, one of the ocean’s smallest but most important groups of organisms, are susceptible to viruses. A new study takes an in-dept...
The city of Plymouth has seen its position as an international centre of excellence for marine research further enhanced after its three leading scien...
On World Oceans Day, and ahead of the G7 later this week, leading UK experts shine a spotlight on the critical role the ocean plays in greatly slowing...
A team of UK and French scientists have shown a huge decline in North Atlantic krill over the last 60 years driven primarily by climate variability an...
A new method of capturing carbon from seawater could help us tackle climate change.
The team at PML, in conjunction with external contractors, have been working incredibly hard to complete environmental improvements to PML’s bui...
‘Green tides’ of algae have wreaked havoc across the coastlines of Brittany, France, for half a century due to high levels of agricultural...
Accurate satellite measurements of ocean colour are vital for assessing the health of the ocean. A new study, part of the AMT4OceanSatFlux programme, ...
We are delighted to share the news that PML’s Dr Lauren Biermann has won the Science category of the Ocean Awards 2021 for her development of a ...
Today sees the launch of a comprehensive briefing paper on “Nature-based solutions for climate change, people and biodiversity’ by a colla...
The failure to deal with the pressures placed on the ocean by human activities continues to present the greatest threat to the ocean, according to the...
The presence of microplastics in the ocean is a growing concern, but there’s still a lot we don’t know about how marine organisms interact...
Scientists, industry leaders and local government are counting down to the launch of a first-of-its-kind multi-million-pound fleet of innovative and i...
Solar-tracking radiometry for all: PML publishes open-source hardware and software for the solar-tracking radiometry platform (So-Rad).
The large-scale seawater tanks and data analysis expertise at Plymouth Marine Laboratory’s Smart Sound workshop are being used to conduct stabil...
The 8th March 2021 marks International Women’s Day; to celebrate, we spoke to some of the PML team about their challenges, successes and hopes f...
We are delighted to welcome Mr Paul James as the latest member of our Board of Trustees.
One of the wonderful aspects of PML is its truly interdisciplinary nature and keeping a look out for the start of the Spring bloom is a great example ...
They are both clogging up rivers across the globe but a new project, involving PML scientists, aims to combine these two issues for greater benefit.
PML has submitted recommendations for future climate action to a Dialogue on Ocean and Climate Change, in the run up to November’s UN Climate Ch...
A newly discovered component of the nitrogen cycle could shed light on marine greenhouse gas emissions and their role in climate change, according to ...
With marine science input from PML, the landmark global review “Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review” was published t...
Having opened a new local office in London, BIMCO – the world’s largest direct-membership organisation for shipowners, charterers, shipbro...
The UK Marine Science Co-ordination Committee (MSCC), of which PML is a member organisation, has released a Statement on The Ocean in a Changing Clima...
In the latest assessment of the UK’s research centres, released today, Plymouth Marine Laboratory has been shown to excel in the quality and rea...
PML researchers were part of the curation team for a recently-completed special issue of Remote Sensing devoted to calibration and validation of satel...
PML’s Professor Nicola Beaumont has become one of four new members of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Science Committee.
Scientists have described how diatoms (a type of eukaryotic algae) can sense phosphorus, demonstrating a new role for calcium ion signalling in eukary...
A study published today in Nature Ecology and Evolution sheds new light on the evidence for how climatic warming affects the seasonal timing within te...
This year has been difficult for so many people due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re incredibly grateful to all key workers and those who have he...